JHPropertyTyped Tools |
Class | Method(s) | Short description | Java Doc Description |
dk.heick.properties.collections.PropertyCollectionUtil | getPropertyNameGroups(...) | Group property names |
This methods returns a list of group names, which the properties can de divided into. This typically used with view a list of properties on a web pages/gui, where it can be a nice feature to group them a bit. This is done by group all property names by the part of property name which is before the subNameDivider .Example where subNameDivider is [.] :
dk.heick.properties.collections.PropertyCollectionUtil | getPropertyListStartWiths(...) | Filter properties |
Retrieves a list of properties which name starts with a specific string.
dk.heick.properties.collections.PropertyCollectionPrinter | generatePropertyFileContents(...) | Generate dummy property file contents |
This class can "print" an PropertyCollection .
This is a tool class where you as a developer take a PropertyCollection instance and it will print the property.name = default.value to a Writer or a PrintStream . This can be used for generation initial properties files for further modification For a property with a not null but valid default value the resulting line is: property.name = getDefaultValueAsString() For a property with a not null but invalid default value the resulting line is: property.name = Default value invalid:exception.message For a property with a null as default value the resulting line is: property.name = [NULL] |
dk.heick.properties.collections.PropertiesJavaDefinitionPrinter | generateJavaDefinition(...) | Generate dummy Property java definitions |
This will take a Properties instance a generate public static final Property.... definitions. This is a convenient method when converting your existing properties handling to use this library. If suggestType is true and the value not null , it will try an analyze the value to see which matches best and output that type.Otherwise it will make a "dummy" definition which do not compile since the generator have no idea of type, default values and PropertyIO. The line it will generate for each property found will look like this: public final static Property<Type> NAME = new Property<Type>("name",new PropertyType()); or if suggestion found: //Value=[sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob] public final static Property<Class<?>> JAVA_AWT_PRINTERJOB = new Property<Class<?>>("java.awt.printerjob",new ClassnamePropertyType()); The output is written to "System.out" per default. See more at PropertiesJavaDefinitionPrinter See more at CommentedProperties See more at PrintLines public static void main(String[] args) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); PropertyFrameworkGlobals.setLogFileValidations(false); PropertyFrameworkGlobals.setAutoEncryptPasswords(false); List<String> lines = PropertiesJavaDefinitionPrinter.generateJavaDefinitionsAsList(System.getProperties(),true); PrintLines.print(lines); }OR public static void main(String[] args) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); PropertyFrameworkGlobals.setLogFileValidations(false); PropertyFrameworkGlobals.setAutoEncryptPasswords(false); List<String> lines = PropertiesJavaDefinitionPrinter.generateJavaDefinitionsAsList(new File("myproperties.properties"),true,true,true,true,true); PrintLines.print(lines); } |
dk.heick.properties.io.FilePropertyIOFactory | createFilePropertyIO(...) | Search for a property file and create a FilePropertyIO. |
This will search for property file by name, in a directory and its sub directories, and create a FilePropertyIO with the first file which matches.
dk.heick.properties.io.CompositePropertyIOFactory | create(...) | Create a CompositePropertyIO with many FilePropertyIO's. |
Create a CompositePropertyIO either with many files or by search for many files.
package dk.heick.properties.types.utils.* | A lot of nice utilities methods, many with generic capabilities - I like good Utils classes, I collect them.
dk.heick.properties.io.xml.XMLFileIO<T> | Generic JAXB File IO Utility - File to Class instance and Class instance to File | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.GenericFilter<T> | An interface which determines if the object of type T should be accepted. |
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.GenericFilterUtils | Static method utilities for GenericFilter. | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.GeoUtils | Large library of Latitude/Longitude utilitiy methods. | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.ListUtils | Static methods to convert X to sorted instances of List<T> . |
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.MapUtils | Static utility methods for Hashtables, HashMaps, HashSets and Map. | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.MathUtils | Different Math utilities methods. | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.StringList | Convenience class for a list of strings, extension of ArrayList<String> . |
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.StringUtils | Assorted string utility methods. | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.XMLUtils | Assorted XML utility methods. | ||
dk.heick.properties.types.utils.ArrayUtils | Assorted utility methods for arrays, usually with generics. | ||
Class | Method(s) | Short description | Java Doc Description |