
Getting Started

This contains demo for all the PropertyType's from JHPropertiesTyped and JHPropertiesTypedExtensions.
Deploy the WAR file in a web container.
You will get properties which will displayed as invalid.
  • javatype.app.directory=c:/temp
  • javatype.app.file=C:/temp/jhpt/aabbcc.txt
  • customtype.app.filestructure=C:/temp/jhpt
These are the properties where files or directories is involved.
Either create the directories/files or change them through the web interface.

This has been tested on a default setup of a Tomcat web server.
This webdemo has 7 JSP pages.
  • index.jsp : Links to the other pages.
  • io_demo.jsp : Viewing attributes about the PropertyIO in use.
  • readonly_demo.jsp : Viewing all the properties in the WebDemoProperties, forced to be displayed as readonly.
  • writable_demo.jsp : Viewing all the properties in the WebDemoProperties, as writable if so defined.
  • systemproperties.jsp : Viewing all the System Properties, which has be defined.
  • generate.jsp : Generate Property definines from "name=value" lines.
  • environment.jsp : View environment.
Is a web demo for JHPropertiesTyped, deploy the the war file to any java web server container.
An open the URL "http://localhost:8080/jhpropertiestypedwebdemo-2.0/"

Edit the files paths for all relevant propeties for : "JHPropertiesTypedWebDemo\web\config\demo.app.properties"